This is just a chess, but it plays on 3D board and has many puzzle.

- Game is just demo, not complete yet.
Use arrow keys to zoom
- Hint only can be used in level don't have purple enemy.
- If you want to get more items in game (Undo, +Turn, Hint), get it from shop (don't worry, it's totally free).
- You can unlock all level by press "Unlock all" in setting at main menu.

Update version 1.2.1:

  • Add setting and visual for camera movement.
  • Add setting for light intensity in gameplay.
  • Add Chapter 5 with feature toggle block - button object.
  • Add more level.
  • Update tutorial.
  • Update layout & animation of UI.
  • Update Shop.
  • Update game data.
  • Update multi languages setting (only for tips and tutorials).
  • Add tips system.
  • Fix bugs.
  • Change name "Chess 3D" to "Chess Land"

Sorry for my bad english.

Credit: Phan Thanh Hải, Phạm Phú Khang, Phạm Nguyễn Quang Nhân, Phan Duy Chương

Development log

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